This was made adapting a lot of the concepts in this video. Much of the vector math needed to be experimented with in order to adapt to the newest version. I also managed to adapt some of these into additional effects in my system.
This process started by editing a couple of textures pretty significantly. Below you can see the material settings.
The following is not in source control. I think when I uploaded my Niagara effect to the repo for Derek, he likely added to it, so I cannot update the blueprint I made for it. That said, this is very easy to duplicate.
Using the same BPI, Alan and I were able to sync the bang to the activation of the shockwave. Below you can see that the effect starts when the simulation begins, then again any time that the bang is triggered.
We've very excited by MAX and we think that we will keep playing with it after this class. Would be cool to control a color parameter in MAX that sends to Unreal, then from Unreal to a Phillip's Hue. Obviously you could skip the unreal part, but sending UDP could be a useful skill.
This was my first time back in Maya in a long while. The book is basically made with some basic extrusions, primitives, and lamberts.
I also imported my illustrator file as a texture on a plane and combined them.