Sense Journal - Smell


I turned 5 when I went to Disney. I did not return until I was 20 years old. My memories of Disney are specific to rides, locations, and feelings. I cannot remember the layout, locations, or how I traversed through the parks. But there is one part, on one ride that I remember best. The skunk room on the Figment ride. When you get to this room, you are blasted with a skunk scent. I recall being so surprised, and I remember my sister (3 years old) crying her eyes out. Now, whenever I smell a skunk, I am transported to this exact room. The idea of sense-memory is something that gets explored extensively in theater programs because it is something so powerful that it can inform our emotions for a lifetime. When we work with scents, much like our mystery scents in class, we quickly attempt to classify them. But when we can't, we discuss how they make us feel or what places they remind us of. This is sense memory in its purest form. The idea that we can absorb an input and process it not as its physical properties, but as an emotional one.

3D Scan - Object


When starting the scanning process, I knew that I needed to find a way to assist in the alignment of the images. I know I did not need it, but since I live in a small space, the images would not be equidistant from the object and felt that the markers would help. I used 2 business cards I had on hand.

From here, I took about 152 photos and brought them into reality capture.


I had to do a lot of resizing, rotating, and moving in order to get it into the software correctly, but I was able to move it into the frame in an appropriate way.

From here, I crafted the model, filtered, simplified, smoothed, and textured as we did with our NYCAP scans.


I was incredible surprised by how good the result was. It feels like an asset I can bring right into unreal for use as a prop (maybe not something I can animate very well, though).


3D Scan - Space

For the space, I initially tried to use PolyCam and the iPhone 13 pro to scan the docks in my hometown. Unfortunately, I recorded for 30 minutes, then the software crashed. The app managed to save some of the data, but the landscape got out of sync and totally failed.

So, I went to the jetti at the beach and tried to scan that. I think that it turned out alright, but if you really can't get all the way around an object, it is almost impossible to scan. Overall, I wish I was able to capture a better space, but this is alright as a learning experience!
