Memorial Clock

During the first few weeks of class, the concept of time having an expiration date was brought up. Particularly by Phil and Dalit in their observational instruments. Phil's deals with time until death based on average life expectancy, and Dalit's on a finite # of heartbeats.

I was thinking a lot about time and how we all experience it differently. Specifically, the concept of "now" being pointless as we all are only capable of existing within our own spaces due to the speed of light. It got me thinking about how people "live on in our hearts" and have a continuous amount of time in memory.

For this sketch, playing with that idea, I wanted to make a clock that stopped working. It no longer can tell time because it has reached the time that some being expired. For this, I wanted to memorialize my cat, Howard, who passed away in 2017.

He died on July 1st, 2017 at around 3:16pm. I pet him until he passed away in my lap.


First, I took apart a clock, this was a cool way to see how a basic quartz clock works.




I actually even popped open the quartz mechanism, sending gears flying and effectively destroying any use for the clock. I had to buy another.

Next, I pulled out the backing.


From here, I was able to put in a new face (a picture of my cat), and pour cement all over the mechanism. This effectively sealed any capacity it has for moving, solidifying the time of passing.



